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query : SELECT m.no as no, m.idx as idx,m.main as main,m.depth as depth,m.name as name, m.email as email, b.homepage as homepage, m.subject as subject,m.cate as cate, b.comment as comment, m.hit as hit, m.reco as reco, m.down as down, b.file as file, b.m_link as mlink, b.s_link as slink, m.cnt_memo as cnt_memo,b.html_type as html_type, b.ip as ip,m.secret as secret, m.icon as icon, m.signdate as signdate, b.id as id, b.passwd as passwd FROM pboard_notice m, pboard_notice_body b WHERE m.no= && m.no=b.no && (b.memo=0 || b.memo='0')
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '&& m.no=b.no && (b.memo=0 || b.memo='0')' at line 1